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Try a Tantric Massagein your hotel room!

Tantric Massage

As for all massages it is very important both the client and masseuse feel comfortable and relaxed during a Tantric massage. Even more so during a Tantric massage since you are creating an experience in which both will need to open up and relax to make the most of it. It can happen that a client is not totally relaxed or comfortable in which case the masseuse can decide to start the massage with some relaxation exercises and yoga stands to get into the right mood for the Tantric experience. Setting the mood by using (scented) candles, a comfortable room temperature and making sure the door is locked can help the client to leave any stress and tension on the doorstep to enjoy the massage to the fullest.

Tantric massage is a therapy with some distinctive techniques compared to other well known massage traditions. Tantric massage has its focus on the bodily energy and blockages of this energy which stand in the way of feeling relaxed, energized and comfortable in your own skin. By using several techniques to find and treat these energy blocks and to open and close chackra's to connect the energy flow with the seven chakra's in your body.

When getting an Tantric massage it is very important that the masseuse is communicative during the treatment and the client is not afraid to mention when pressure is too hard or too soft. Because a Tantric massage will touch some very sensitive body parts as the belly, butt and chest it is important to have a clear understanding of what is comfortable and what is not to make sure you can fully enjoy the massage and feel the bodily energy flow freely again. The masseuse will mostly use long strokes and deep pressure using the whole hand instead of fingertips or the palm of the hand. It is not uncommon that by releasing the energy in the body also sensual and sexual energy is released. By enjoying the massage to the fullest and relax completely so the masseuse can guide you through the treatment you will be amazed about you own bodily energy.

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